Thursday, February 4, 2016

My word of the year

I have never done well with resolutions. I would make the same ones over and over to just fail. For a few years now I have heard of people choosing a word for the year. But I never really looked into it. This year was different.

I had a little hard time choosing though. I know I struggle with be open and vulnerable with people. I have a hard time opening up.

I struggle with perfectionism. I need to let things go more. That it is okay if not everything looks Pinterest worthy.

I want to go deeper in my prayer life. I want to dig into my Bible more. I am gathering the tools now for this. I am going to start using a journaling Bible to help keep my focus.

I am making a point to have a date night at home every week with my husband. Which I am loving. We often get so busy that if we happen both to be home in the evening we wither veg out on the couch with Netflix or are involved in our many projects. We need to make sure we are investing into each other.

I am trying to spend one afternoon a week with my oldest playing games; because I know soon he will be too cool for me and I am want to treasure this time with him. I also want to make a point to spend one-on-one time with the other boys. They grow so fast and certain stages are hard when all I see is the struggles we are going through. But I also know that there are many blessings in each stage and I will miss each stage.

What is one word that sums that all up?


I sat on it for a few weeks. While sitting in the doctors office today it came to me.

I want to embrace my prayer life, my walk with the Lord and go deeper.
I want to embrace my relationship with my husband. Take time out to spend one-on-one time with him.
I want to embrace the stages that my children are in. People so often say treasure it because it goes my so fast.
I want to embrace who I am. I always have room for improvement but I can grow. But I shouldn't try to hide my flaws or struggles. They are part of who I am.
I want to embrace my sinful self. Not to keep sinning but to acknowledge it and repent and change
I want to embrace my body that I am not always happy with. But God made me wonderfully and beautifully

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