Thursday, January 14, 2016

52 Date Nights- Week 2 Game Night!

We had originally decided on having our date nights on Mondays after I get out of dance practice. But this week Jadae was awesome and took all 3 boys on our monthly big grocery shopping trip alone while I was at dance. By the time he got home (he went on several other errands also) he was exhausted. It didn't help that his hemoglobin was low (9) at his last iron infusion 2 weeks ago.

This week I had planned on a game night. So Jadae unwrapped his first present from the black tub. He opened Post Cards from North America (I don't know what you do with game titles, do they get capitalized? underlined? quotes?), which is a game that I picked up at the local thrift store for $2! I don't believe that I had heard of this game before but decided for $2 it was worth trying it out.

Bill Rolette invented this game and used post cards from his own travels! The goal of the game is to complete 10 postcards. You complete a post card by traveling there either across the board or flying to that destination. It is a great game to either learn or refresh your memory of America geography and to see the famous America Sites.

We enjoyed this game and to just have that one-on-one time together free from electronics, kids, and other distractions.

Here is our finished art work!

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