Thursday, January 21, 2016

Battling the Unseen- taking back your prayer life

I had recently watched War Room with my husband. It is a fantastic movie! It really encouraged me that I need to be fighting more. More in my prayer life against things that are trying to come in between my husband and I, our marriage, our children. Our Joy. But how? I know praying is the obvious answer. I use to have a better prayer life and really fought the unseen battles. But I had lost that and the fire and passion. How do I get back on track? I recently ordered a new journaling Bible which does not get released until the beginning of Feb. I have hopes that it will help my attention span while praying and meditating on God's Word.

A friend had recently shared that she started reading a book called, "Fervent" by Priscilla Shirer. It is a book about prayer and battling the evil one in prayer. (this post does contain an aff. link)

I am very excited to dig into this book. I am missing out on so much because I know my walk is not where it should be. This book is specifically geared towards prayer and battling the unseen in many aspects. It focuses on things such your passions, life, family, past, fears, etc.

I had gotten in another rut. Many of my prayers were about healing and other practical things (keep us safe while we drive, bless our food, we could use a new van, etc.). And prayers of thanksgiving. But I need to be praying more against the devil's evil schemes. I need my prayers to go deeper. I need to start praying about my feelings and emotions. For my husband and the attacks of the enemy against him. For my children!

I have lots of fears that I need to be taking to God instead of distracting myself. I did take a step of faith today and started to schedule appts. for Smile's neurofibromatosis. That one scares me. But I need to remember that I can battle that fear and whatever the walk is with his disease by turning to God.

There is also a lot that the devil is trying to steal from me. One of them is my joy. Especially my joy of being a mother. I get tired, I get selfish. I lose my patience and the devil is using all of that to make me frustrated and unhappy. Not seeing the happy moments or cherishing them. The devil would love for me to just constantly be unhappy wishing that my kids behaved better and listen better. He wants me focused on how things need to change (how the house should be cleaned and organized, that my husband's health is not the greatest, etc.). The devil also wants me to focus on all the sacrifices that I make being a stay-at-home mom, and how ungrateful the job is, rather than on the joy of being home with my children. Sharing with them (my children) the joys of overcoming obstacles, learning a new skill, their childhood.

Another is peace. I allow what's going on in the world to make me a nervous wreck. When I should be remembering that there is nothing that can keep me away from God's love. 

I am taking back my prayer life! I am waging war!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, Melissa! We really do need to stand strong against the devil who wants to steal our joy and fill us with fear and dismay. A great book that we have been reading recently is "Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence", by Sarah Young. It has a short, but powerful, devotional and two or three scriptures to dwell on each day. It is the first thing we do when the alarm goes off every morning and it really prepares us for the day. God bless you as you wage your war against Satan and take back your life of joy and peace.
