Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Getting out of a rut!

Jadae and I have been married for 10 years now! But we have had gotten in a rut. With having 3 boys 8 and under it is hard for us to get out and have one-on-one time together. So often after a long day we would sit in front of the tv and watch Netflix. I wanted us to go on more dates, keep the romance alive!

About a month before Christmas I was trying to figure out what to get him for Christmas. I finally decided to give him an on-going gift of date nights. At first, I planned on one date each month all pre-planned and ready to go. I was thinking about getting gift cards to restaurants, planning outings, etc. But without a guaranteed baby-sitter I knew it would be difficult to implement. So instead I planned on doing 52 date nights at home. My thought was to get the kids in bed a little early and then we will have our date. I spent hours pouring over websites, Pinterest, books, etc. researching ideas that we can do in the comforts of our home without too many movie dates.

Christmas morning I gave him a black tub filled with wrapped presents that he had to wait to open until that date. I found a poem on-line from The look on my husband’s face was awesome! He was speechless and loved it!

I look forward to the many dates that I have planned. There is one movie night a month. A lot of game nights (every 3 weeks). We both really like games but many games play so much better with 3 or more people. So I researched the best 2-player games. I brought some games from the thrift store and the rest at using the gift cards that I earned from swagbucks. I have 6 art nights and 6 Wii tournament game nights. The rest are odds and ends that I found from various sites including (which is an amazing site filled with date ideas for all kinds of things, moods, places, etc.)

I hope to post about each one every week to help others out and to remember what we did!

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