Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week 9 (Game) Star Fluxx

My baby brother is staying with us while he is on spring break this week and next. So we invited him to join us in our weekly stay-at-home date night.

Jadae is a big sc-fi geek! He loves Star Wards, Star Trek, etc. So I got Star Fluxx from Amazon knowing that he would enjoy it. (We already own Family Fluxx and Wizard of Oz Fluxx). Fluxx is a game where the rules always change and how to win the game (by achieving the goal) changes also. I like certain sci-fi movies (such as Back to the Future) but I really am not into Star Trek. I did enjoy this game though and know enough about a lot of the sci-fi genre that I got the cards and they made me smile!

Because of copyright infringements Looney Labs (the creators of Fluxx) had to be creative with some of their cards. For example, in Star Trek the men who wear red shirts always end up dying- in this game that is a keeper card and the card is called "The Expendable Crewmen".  The cards make reference to  references to Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who, A Space Odyssey, Stargate, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxyand probably some others.

This version of Fluxx has some awesome extra abilities on some of the keepers. These make the game more interesting and fun! I will say that this version is not the best to introduce someone to Fluxx as there are more complex cards that the other versions do not have unless there are people playing that are familiar with the game.

Even though my brother joined us we still had fun! We ended up playing several rounds.  I can't remember who won. I know I didn't win any rounds though. But that is not what mattered.

52 Date Nights in 52 Weeks
Getting out of a rut- The post that explains why I started this journey
1. Week One- (movie) The Bucket List
5. Week 5- Game Night (Chrononauts)
6. Week 6- Wii Game (Super Mario Maker)
7. Week 7- (movie) Tourist
8. Cruise!

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