Friday, May 27, 2016

Week 17 Game

So somehow my post about a game that Jadae and I played while in Cincinnati got deleted! So here is a brief overview of what we played for week 17.

My brothers introduced us to this game. It is made my Steel Crates and is called, "Keep talking and nobody explodes". It costs $15 and only one person has to download it.

The expert downloads a manual from online that tells him how to deuse the device. The Defuser verbally tells the expert what the device looks like. I suggest that the expert gets familiar with the manual as the defuser only has 5 minutes to disarm it. Each device has several components, once one section of it is successfully defused there is a little light that will turn green.  You do have a few strikes, so if you accidentally cut the wrong wire it is okay! Some of the components are buttons being hit in a certain order, a certain wire being cut, hitting a button at the exact right time, etc. 
We played numerous times taking turns being the deuser and the expert. A few times we exploded but we had a lot of fun!

1.   Week One- (movie) The Bucket List
5.   Week 5- Game Night (Chrononauts)
6.   Week 6- Wii Game (Super Mario Maker)
7.   Week 7- (movie) Tourist
8.   Cruise!
9.   Week 9- (Game) Star Fluxx
10  .Week 10- (movie) Nim's Island
11.  Week 11 (game) Forbidden Desert
12. Week 12 (art night) Picasso Playdoh
13. Week 13- Puzzle and Pillow Talk Conversations
14,  Week 14 - (game) Scattergories Categories
15, Week 15- (movie) Private Ryan
16. Week 16- Wii Game Night

Our son's NF journey

Josiah has Neurofibromatosis (NF-1). (Here is a brief overview of what NF is) Last week we took him to Cincinnati Children's Hospital to see his specialist, Dr. Hopkins. Dr. Hopkins wanted to be proactive and ordered an MRI with orbits to look for optic gliomas. Which 1 in about 20 kids with NF-1 develops. Most of the time by the time the child is showing signs or symptoms of one their vision is already affected and the loss vision cannot be restored. So the thought is to get regular MRI's done to look for the first signs of one so if there is one there it can be monitored and treated before any vision loss has occurred.

Because we live a good 3 hours away from Cincinnati we had his MRI done on Thursday and spent the night at the Ronald McDonald house that night. We saw his specialist on Friday. Josiah had to be sedated to get his MRI done due to him only being 2 year old. He would not be able to lay still enough for the images to be taken. So the rest of the day he was pretty wobbly and could not get his bearings. Which frustrated him to no end!

Friends of ours who live in KY were actually at Cincinnati Children's on Friday with their oldest for an appt (different type) and we were able to meet up with them! It had been a good 4 years since we last got to see them. We were only able to catch up for about 20 minutes before we had to get to our appt. But it was really nice to see them again.

Dr, Hopkins did find something on the MRI. Smiles has an optic glioma on his right optic nerve. The thickening is not bad right now. So in 3 months we have to go back and get a repeat MRI to see if there has been any changes. We also have to get an eye examination done to check for vision loss, pupil responses, etc.  If there is any changes then Dr. Hopkins will refer us to an Oncologist so they can start Chemo. (they do not want to do surgery unless it is a last resort. If surgery is done then the surgeon would have to remove the optic nerve which would result in blindness in that eye)

If there are no changes then we will go back every 3 to 6 months for MRI's to continue to monitor the tumor.

I am thankful that it was caught so early. This is not the path I would have chosen for us but I need to put my trust in God. We are 3 hours from a hospital that has a research clinic for NF. Which is fabulous and such a blessing. Josiah has not shown any symptoms of the tumor right now which is promising.

 "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us" Psalm 62:8

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."John 14:27

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Week 18- (art night) Fractured Faces

Jadae and I got a bit behind in our date nights so this week we tried to play catch up. I found a fun art project inspired by Picasso again. 

Instead of each making our own we worked on this together making one final project. First we made a Picasso face. Because we were at the Ronald McDonald house for the night (Smiles had 2 appointments on different days at Cincinnati Children's Hospital for his Neurofibromatosis) we were inspired to make a doctor looking person.  Wee used markers to color it. 

Then I used a book (I forgot to pack a ruler!) to make lines to divide the picture into several sections. I used the lines as a guide to cut out the sections. 

One a second (should be much larger than the one we used) piece of paper we made a bunch of different doodles for the background.

After that was done we placed the sections on the collage of designs and slip and slide them to make a fractured look. 

Here is our completed project (if I were to do this again I would make sure that the face was on a much smaller face and that the collage of designs were more colorful and detailed.

52 Date Nights in 52 Weeks
1.   Week One- (movie) The Bucket List
5.   Week 5- Game Night (Chrononauts)
6.   Week 6- Wii Game (Super Mario Maker)
7.   Week 7- (movie) Tourist
8.   Cruise!
9.   Week 9- (Game) Star Fluxx
10  .Week 10- (movie) Nim's Island
11.  Week 11 (game) Forbidden Desert
12. Week 12 (art night) Picasso Playdoh
13. Week 13- Puzzle and Pillow Talk Conversations
14,  Week 14 - (game) Scattergories Categories
15, Week 15- (movie) Private Ryan
16. Week 16- Wii Game Night
17. Week 17- a really fun game

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 16- Wii Night

We really like Super Mario Marker. So this month for the Wii Game Night we played it again. We both do not often have much time to kill on video games. I still scream. Jadae is still better than I am at the games. It is fun to not know what the level looks like that we will be playing next. Growing up you begin to memorize the levels and all the secrets. With this game each level is new and a surprise. Some levels have secrets, others do not.

52 Date Nights in 52 Weeks
1.   Week One- (movie) The Bucket List
5.   Week 5- Game Night (Chrononauts)
6.   Week 6- Wii Game (Super Mario Maker)
7.   Week 7- (movie) Tourist
8.   Cruise!
9.   Week 9- (Game) Star Fluxx
10  .Week 10- (movie) Nim's Island
11.  Week 11 (game) Forbidden Desert
12. Week 12 (art night) Picasso Playdoh
13. Week 13- Puzzle and Pillow Talk Conversations
14,  Week 14 - (game) Scattergories Categories
15, Week 15- (movie) Private Ryan

Week 15 (movie) Saving Private Ryan

For date night this week we watched "Saving Private Ryan". I had not seen this movie in a good decade or so. I forgot how gruesome the first 20 or so minutes it was. So the first part I had to keep turning my head away. While typically that stuff does not bother me so much, right now, being pregnant it does!

I had planned on us eating french food while we ate. But right now most food does not seem appealing to me and I totally forgot! So we only watched the movie.

For those who have not seen it or maybe it has been awhile I will give a brief summary of the movie. It takes place right after D-Day (WW2). During combat 3 out of 4 brother were KIA. One of the ladies typing up the telegrams realizes that a mom will be receiving all three telegrams on the same day. When General George Marshall is alerted to this and that there is still a fourth brother missing in action he makes a decision that the last brother, Private James Ryan will be found and brought home. A company being lead my Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) and six other men is formed and their new mission is to find this missing brother. The rest of the movie is about how these men are trying to find Private Ryan.

This group of soldiers who do not know Private Ryan or even anything about him. Miller evens says at one point, "This Ryan guy better be worth it".  These seven men are risking their lives for the good of one man, for his freedom. 

Christ also did this for us. He died for each of us. Each of us were worth it to Him. We were lost in our sin but Jesus came and rescued us. He sacrificed His life for us! So we can be reunited with God. 

"6 When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s condemnation."
Romans 5:6-9

This story also made me think of the parable in the Bible about the sheep in Luke 15. A shepherd has 100 sheep, he knows where 99 of them are but one is lost. The shepherd goes and searches for just one sheep. This one sheep is so valuable to him, even though he has 99 others. We are so valuable to Jesus.

Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:3-7

52 Date Nights in 52 Weeks
1.   Week One- (movie) The Bucket List
5.   Week 5- Game Night (Chrononauts)
6.   Week 6- Wii Game (Super Mario Maker)
7.   Week 7- (movie) Tourist
8.   Cruise!
9.   Week 9- (Game) Star Fluxx
10  .Week 10- (movie) Nim's Island
11.  Week 11 (game) Forbidden Desert
12. Week 12 (art night) Picasso Playdoh
13. Week 13- Puzzle and Pillow Talk Conversations
14,  Week 14 - (game) Scattergories Categories

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Week 14 (game night) Scattergories Categories

 Another game night! (I grew up in a game playing family- so I really enjoy playing games) I played Scattergories. So when I was researching games Scattergories Categories caught my eye.  I only had so much money budgeted for my 52 stay-at-home date nights. So I crossed it off my list as there were other games that I wanted to buy instead. I ended up finding this game practically brand new at the through the used Amazon section for a couple of bucks! Yay!

For those who are familiar with Scattergories it is similar but has a different twist that I really liked. Instead of sticking with one letter to answer all of the topics (S- Street Names, Girl Names, Type of Clothing) you get one category but have different letters to use. (MARRIAGE M-minister, A-aisle R- Rice, R- Ring,etc.). The first one to 25 points wins. It is a good game for 2 people, but more would make it harder as if you have the same response on the same line it does not count. 

After the 4th round, Jadae and I both ended up with 25 points! So we played one more, which he ended up with my points than I did. It was fun and a shorter game. We could have played more rounds but we both were tired. I enjoyed not having to think of so many different topics using the same letter. It was great just having one topic at a time. Jadae and I had lots of laughs over some of our responses. And some of then definitely were stretching it.

One downside to this is the timer. Because it was sand type someone would have to keep looking up to check to see if time was up. But you can easily use your phone to set a timer or just have a set amount of rounds to go through and the one with the most points wins!

52 Date Nights in 52 Weeks
1.   Week One- (movie) The Bucket List
5.   Week 5- Game Night (Chrononauts)
6.   Week 6- Wii Game (Super Mario Maker)
7.   Week 7- (movie) Tourist
8.   Cruise!
9.   Week 9- (Game) Star Fluxx
10  .Week 10- (movie) Nim's Island
11.  Week 11 (game) Forbidden Desert
12. Week 12 (art night) Picasso Playdoh
13. Week 13- Puzzle and Pillow Talk Conversations

Week 13- Puzzle and Pillow Talk Conversations

     For our stay-at-home date night this week we put a puzzle together. I found this Sat Wars puzzle at the Dollar General Store. It actually contains two 100 piece puzzles. All of my sons and my husband is huge fans of Star Wars so I know this puzzle will be loved. I was not sure how many pieces I should buy. It has been a long time since I put together something more than a board puzzle or a small 24-piece young child's puzzle. It took us less than an hour to do one of the puzzles. We decided to save the other one for another time.

While we worked on the puzzle I took the opportunity to have us answer some questions that I got from The Dating Diva's website. They are Conversation starters that they affectionately named "Pillow Talk". There are over 50 questions. Some of the ones we got during our date was "Would you want to go back in the past or in the future?", "What does your dream car look like?", etc. Those are some of the ones we had that night. There are a lot of really good ones that we never got to such as, "What was something that you worried about today?", "What was the most frustrating part of day?", and "What are you most excited about tomorrow"  You can download the questions from the link above for free. I highly recommend it! They are a great way to talk about your day, concerns, worries, etc. with your spouse or loved ones. The Dating Diva's recommend just doing a few every night with your spouse when you go to bed (hence the name "pillow Talk" to reconnect.

Here is our completed puzzle!

52 Date Nights in 52 Weeks
1.   Week One- (movie) The Bucket List
5.   Week 5- Game Night (Chrononauts)
6.   Week 6- Wii Game (Super Mario Maker)
7.   Week 7- (movie) Tourist
8.   Cruise!
9.   Week 9- (Game) Star Fluxx
10  .Week 10- (movie) Nim's Island
11.  Week 11 (game) Forbidden Desert
12. Week 12 (art night) Picasso Playdoh